Video In the dark six months later
puerto rico
Puerto Rico still in the dark six months after hurricane
Video In the dark six months after storm
Trump disputes Puerto Rico hurricane death toll
Image copyright AFP/Getty Image caption The US territory has asked Congress for $139bn in recovery funds US President Donald Trump…
Typhoon Maria: Puerto Rico mayor derides Trump movements Ask a question
Symbol copyright AFP Image caption Puerto Rico has struggled to get over the results of Storm Maria The mayor of…
Puerto Rico still in the dark six months after hurricane
Video Six months on, no energy for lots of
Puerto Rico nonetheless within the darkish six months after typhoon
Video American Citizens in dark six months after storm
WHAT’S Trump’s plan for Puerto Rico?
Symbol copyright Getty Images Symbol caption The wreckage from Hurricane Maria has returned Puerto Rico’s debt to the spotlight President…
Puerto Rico increases Hurricane Maria demise toll to 2,975
Symbol copyright AFP/Getty Symbol caption The island government have struggled to fix infrastructure and the ability grid and want $139bn…
Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico acknowledges masses died
Image copyright Reuters Symbol caption Authorities were criticised for not acknowledging the numbers of those killed by means of Typhoon…
Puerto Rico flag row prompts hate crime case for Illinois guy
Symbol copyright Mia Irizarry / Fb Symbol caption Mia Irizarry (left) filmed the Timothy Trybus A Person who was recorded…