Russian President Vladimir Putin made a phone call with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan about the political tension in Armenia and drew attention to the resolution of the current situation in the country within the framework of the law.
Abortion legalized in Argentina
The South American country of Argentina has approved a law that gives women the right to abortions in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Argentina became the first major country to approve of abortion in Latin America, where Catholic rules were dominant.
Trade agreement signed between UK and EU after Brexit
A post-Brexit commercial agreement between the UK and the European Union (EU) was signed today.
Ukraine: ‘We see Turkey as a strategic partner and our friend’
Ukraine, Turkey, where the military and in cooperation in key areas including trade issues has announced that it sees as friends and strategic partners.
Vehicle jammed by trucks in Russia rolled over
In Russia, when the vehicle, which was compressed by 2 trucks, crossed the opposite lane and hit another truck, it rolled over in the middle of the road. While the driver and his wife were injured in the accident, the female driver, not the truck drivers, was found wrong.
Curfew hours to be increased in some regions in France
French Minister of Health Olivier Veran stated that the hours of the partial curfew will be increased in areas where the epidemic is intense in the country, and the start time of the ban is withdrawn from 20.00 to 18.00.
Putin discusses regional issues with country leaders
Before the conference organized by the 16th Valday International Discussion Club, which will discuss regional and international issues held in…
England is looking for thieves of gold bowls stolen from the palace
The golden toilet, which was exhibited as a work of art in England, was stolen from Bleinheim Palace, where former…
Russia has 5 new islands when glaciers melt
The Russian Ministry of Defense and many experts conducted joint research on the Franz Josef archipelago on the Russian borders…