Gay man wants to challenge clerk who denied marriage license

A gay man in Kentucky wants to run against the county clerk who denied him a marriage license in 2015.

MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — A gay man in Kentucky wants to run against the county clerk who denied him a marriage license in 2015.

But before David Ermold can face Kim Davis at the ballot box, he must first survive a four-person Democratic primary on Tuesday. Ermold has raised more than $200,000 for a race that could require as few as 900 votes to win. Donations have poured in from more than 5,000 people in at least 48 states.

The money has allowed Ermold to run a professional campaign in a race usually defined by yard signs and fish fries. But his candidacy remains a tough decision for some voters in Rowan County who worry it would revive the intense news media attention the area had to endure in 2015.

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